Phoenix Carpet Stain Removal

Stain removal is an important part of any phoenix carpet cleaning service. The ability to safely remove forever from the carpet a blemish or stain can win or lose a life long client. It is for this reason, we at First Class Green Cleaning put a tremendous amount of time and effort into the training of stain removal to our technicians. Today, we will take a look at a red stain oyr technician was able to remove from this clients carpet forever.

Carpet Stain Removal – Before

Here, we see a rug made from a synthetic fiber. Most likely a nylon. This is important to note. Synthetic carpet fibers do a better job of resisting color damage and perform better when it comes to stain removal. If this rug had been made of natural fiber (such as wool or cotton) it would have more readily absorbed the dye from the drink spill. Stain removal would have been nearly impossible with certain types of natural fibers.

Carpet Stain Removal – AfterThe spot has been fully removed with no visible discoloration. Again, it is important to note that the stain occurred on a synthetic carpet. This is like removing a stain on the normal difficulty setting. Where as natural fiber stain removal is more like working on hard mode. Either way, the client is happy, her teenage son is out of the dog house, and we are the hero.

Does your carpet have a few colorful spots that stand out a bit? Does your toddlers room resemble a box of crayons attacked the carpet? Have you had a similar spill as the one seen above? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, maybe its time for a professional cleaning and stain removal. Call and schedule today! 602-996-6993


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