Phoenix Custom Rug Building

We, the proud employees of First Class Green Cleaning, like to say we specialize in the cleaning and maintenance of anything you can sit, walk, or sleep on. While that is true, we offer so many more services many of our clients are unaware of. Today, let us look at some our other specialty areas, such as Phoenix Custom Rug Building and Rug Manufacturing. Lets start by taking a closer look at the top image.

Phoenix Custom Rug BuildingThis picture contains many examples of our in shop rug manufacturing services. From Fabric wrapped border pieces to full custom artwork, much of our work is on display.

Phoenix Custom Rug Building – Fabric Wrap

Fabric wrap is a very popular choice to enhance a color or bring aPhoenix Custom Rug Building little more style to an otherwise bland piece of quality carpet. We wrap the edges with whatever fabric the client chooses. We are able to show a small amount or in other cases show a little more. It all really depends on what kind of look the client is looking to achieve. The choices in color and styles of fabric are numerous. Usually, the only constricting factor is your imagination.

Phoenix Custom Rug Building – Other Wrap Choices

Phoenix Custom Rug BuildingIn this picture, you may see several different wrap choices. The left is a smaller canvas wrapped edge. This example shows how some would want to have a little less of the fabric showing on the top. Again, this is a design choice and in no way changes the functionality of the rug. You may also notice the stitches on the inside of the piece. This is also a design choice. Some people like it.

The top portion is an example of a leather wrapped border. The right side shows a cork wrapped edge. Obviously different materials will have different abilities to with stand damage and wear. Often, one does not put a cork wrap on a rug that is going to catch a tremendous amount of traffic. Also, many folks that go with this style choice are not concerned with the life expectancy of the piece.

Phoenix Custom Rug Building – Negative Edge

Phoenix Custom Rug BuildingBefore we get the question about putting a negative edge on a low grade commercial carpet, a negative edge is very difficult to achieve and can only be done on certain carpet types. A carpet must have adequate ounce weight and maneuverability in order to allow us to bend it the way required to create the desired effect. Also, a carpet must have the ability to resist ‘grinning’ when we bend it over. ‘grinning’ shows the unsightly backing and leaves open spaces that are not preferred.

Phoenix Custom Rug BuildingIn this image to the right, you can see how the carpet is forced to bend to create the desired visual effect. The gray fabric is rug padding. It will be used to fill in the void created by the fold. Once the piece is laid out, the folded pieces will lay even due to the placement of the padding underneath.
