Custom Rug Backing

Today, lets take a look at a few images that detail the process involved in adding a custom rug backing to a custom carpet built in our facility.

Custom Rug Backing – Putting the carpet together…

In this image, we have already cut the carpets to be used into the appropriate sizes and laid them out. All we need to do know is seam the pieces together and cut off the excess carpet. the custom rug backing cannot be added until the seam tape has fully dried.

Custom Rug Backing – Prepping the roll

The next morning, after the seam tape has dried, we flip the rug top side down. This client wanted a soft back product applied as the custom rug backing. This will be useful in protecting the floor from the stiff backing of the carpet, and also work to hide the seam tape. We receive the soft backing material in bulk. what is seen is the bulk roll. We will roll out the soft backing material and cut off only what we need. This way the rest can be put away before we start to bring out the adhesive.

Custom Rug Backing – Applying the backing

In this image, you can see how the adhesive is applied and the backing is evenly rolled onto it. It is a slow and time consuming process, but once complete, the rug will have a clean, finished look.

Custom Rug Backing – Final Trim

This is how the piece looks when the glue has dried. After this, all that is left to do is to trim the excess and bind the edges with the color previously chosen by the client.