In today’s post, I’m gonna ask you, the reader, to use some imagination. I ask this because I do indeed have some lovely custom rug building pictures to show you today but the “before” picture is not really a “before” picture. You see, our warehouse guy cannot seem to understand the importance of “before” pictures. So instead, you get something close to a “before” picture instead of a true “before” picture. So, lets get too this “before” picture.

Custom Rug Building – “Before

Here it is. In all its glory. So, let’s use our imagination together. Take away the odd lines you see at the angles there and imagine that this was a basic double sided, rectangle rug. Our client moved into a new home and was going to throw this beauty of a rug away. Somehow, they decided that this rug would work perfect if they could fit it into a corner. Make one end a normal rectangle, and the other a triangle. This seems odd, yes, but know that in the Valley of the Sun we have some…unique…homes. Ever been in a Frank Lloyd Wright house? That guy must have hated right angles. Nightmare to try and measure when you clean by the square foot.

Custom Rug Building – After

We have a trio of pictures for you now. If I did this right you should see what the edge of the carpet looks like after you cut it off. This can be a problem because handmade rugs will come unraveled if you leave this edge as it is. So now do as your eyes naturally do and look to the image on the left (and up-ish). That’s after we have added serging to hold the edge in, while giving it a bit more body and color. Serging is simply a yarn of fabric wrapped around and around and around the rug. When the rug was initially built, it would have been the same yarn as the rug body was and would have matched a bit better. We, however, do our best to match.