We at First Class Green Cleaning service all of the valley with our carpet cleaning services. A fine example of this is our Desert Mountain carpet cleaning clients we have. Many have never heard of this gated community. Some have heard the name but have never been. Its located in North Scottsdale. Many take a route from Scottsdale through Carefree, back into Scottsdale to get into this area. Many companies will not drive this far to service their clients, we do not mind.
Desert Mountain Carpet Cleaning – Before
This home we cleaned last week is a little an hour drive from our warehouse in Phoenix. One of the nice things common with our clients in Desert Mountain is they generally understand the need for maintenance. Unfortunately, this causes us to not have such spectacular before and after pictures. Fortunately, we are able to keep their carpets, rugs and furniture looking like new for a much longer time than is average. In this image, you can see the faint traffic area from the entry to the left into the bathroom on the right.
Desert Mountain Carpet Cleaning – After
The carpet in this image shows how well it cleaned up. This carpet is a wool which adds some cleaning difficulties. Wool carpet is one of the most common natural fibers used in flooring. It can stand up to a significant amount of soiling but it needs to be well maintained. This is because the wool is very absorbent. It will quickly absorb our cleaning agents and some are simply not safe to use on wool. Having our hands tied limits our ability to work miracles and produce the amazing pictures we sometimes have with synthetic fibers.