Mattress Cleaning

Your mattress is the piece of furniture that you have the most physical contact with. Over time, mattresses can accumulate dead skin cells, bed bugs, dust mites, and a multitude of other unhealthy particles. Regular mattress cleaning is important to extend its life and keep yourself sleeping soundly.

Did You Say Dead Skin?

Mattresses go through so much use and wear every day. While we sleep, we shed dead skin cells that become trapped in our mattresses. If they belong to a youngster, they may fall victim to body fluids, vomit, and urine. It is extremely important that mattresses be professionally cleaned when this happens so that they are safe and healthy to sleep on. Even if you try to clean stains and fluids from the surface, they have been absorbed into the fabric and will remain trapped beneath the surface of your mattress.

Dust Mites? Bed Bugs?

Bed Bugs are another big threat for mattresses. They are tiny little animals that are transported very easily from other homes or hotels. Bed Bugs are a nightmare because they multiply by the hundreds and can cause unsightly and uncomfortable bites. It is important to maintain your mattress to keep your house from being a breeding ground for these little creatures.
Dust Mites are also little bugs, but these little guys will always be there. Keeping how many are in your mattress will help you sleep soundly. Unfortunately, these bugs feed on the dead skin cells and cannot be removed 100%. Limiting their number will ease your allergies on a regular basis.

The First Class mattress cleaning services will remove all of these hazardous particles, animals, and fluids from your sleeping surface and leave it clean and safe for you to enjoy your sleep. We will deep clean your mattress to restore it to an excellent condition; this will save you money by extending the life of your mattress by several years.