Scottsdale Furniture Cleaning

White colored furniture can seem like a fantastic idea at the time of purchase. It looks spectacular when it is bright and clean. Usually you can be pretty satisfied with it once you see it sitting in your home, all its glorious whiteness. This glorious feeling tends to go away shortly after you start to use it. From food spills to newspaper ink to body oil it is far to easy to make that fresh and clean look fade away. Luckily for you, you know about First Class Green Cleaning and our Scottsdale Furniture Cleaning service. Take a look at some of the luck we’ve had with a recent case of white Scottsdale furniture cleaning job we completed below.

Scottsdale Furniture Cleaning – Before Cleaning

This is the chaise longue (its pronounce ‘lounge’ and its spelled right, look it up) section of a sectional sofa. Now, it is important to note that this piece had seen the majority of its damage while in transport from one home to the next. This is apparent by the placement of the soiling. Generally you would not see the top right corner so terribly worn. This goes for the streaks on the panel just below it. In some residential cases, especially homes with dogs, you can expect to see some soiling on the rounded edge. In this case, however, it most likely occurred during transport. The chance of this kind of soiling is why we recommend you have your furniture cleaned after you have completed a move and not before.

Scottsdale Furniture Cleaning – Mid Way Cleaned

This is the curved section of the piece. This image is helpful as it shows just how soiled the piece truly was. While the first image showed soiling caused by transportation, this one tells the true tale of natural soiling. The seat and back area were largely unaffected by the move and are simply well used. The right half has gone through the cleaning process while the left has yet to be.

Scottsdale Furniture Cleaning – Final Result

As you can see, we were able to restore the piece to almost new condition. The one caveat being the top corner. Fortunately for the consumer, the piece is relatively new and the fabric still available, so the corner damage caused can and will be repaired. and below, you will see what the curved section looks like after we completed the left side.