Stone Cleaning Scottsdale

We were called out to inspect this floor and see if it could be saved. Being referred by a local design showroom, we were aware that this family had already been shopping for new flooring.  Here you can see the Kitchen, the worst area in most homes, and this was no exception.

Kitchen Before

Stone Cleaning Scottsdale

Dark grout and heavy grit appearance over the stones face

We were confident that the problem lay heavily in the maintenance products used, mostly sticky, over the counter cleaners. If you have read previous posts, you know that this is not a major concern as we are generally able to fully restore the stone to its original beauty. This case was no different.

Kitchen After

Stone Cleaning Scottsdale

Not just clean, but protected with our sealer, already applied in this picture

Because the Kitchen was the major concern, we cleaned it first. This Scottsdale family opted to have us reseal the travertine. That involves allowing the floor to dry and application of an impregnating sealer. For brevity’s sake, an impregnating sealer fills the stones capillaries so that it is much more difficult to stain. It is preferred over topical sealers that leave a coat over the stone as these types tend to have many maintenance issues.

After The Kitchen came the Living room. We had already moved the furniture out and cleaned and sealed the areas where they belonged. As you can see, we cleaned areas much larger than the furniture, that way we are able to overlap the cleaning. This ensures no areas are missed or improperly sealed.

Stone Cleaning Scottsdale

Towels around the sofa to ensure no cleaning product could sneak under the sofa

Stone Cleaning Scottsdale

We cleaned a large area around where the TV, that way we were not having to get any cleaner too close

Stone Cleaning Scottsdale

Kitchen complete, living room to go